1-3  Estimating by Rounding Up or Rounding Down

1.    If you were counting by tens, between which two tens would 48 be located?               _________

2.    If you were counting by hundreds, between which two hundreds would 4534 be
       located?                                                                                                                      _________

3.    If you were counting by tens, between which two tens would 345.6 be located?             _________

4.    If you were counting by ten-thousands, between which two ten-thounsands
       would 567,432 be located?                                                                                        _________

5.    If you were counting by tenths, between which two tenths would 45.67 be located?        _________

6.     If you were counting by tenths, between which two tenths would .453 be located?         _________

7.     If you were counting by hundredths, between which two hundredths
        would 3.4458 be located?                                                                                          _________

Remember to ask yourself between which two numbers is the given number
before you think of rounding it up or down.

8.    Round 564 up to the next ten.                                     ________________

9.    Round .56 down to the preceding tenth.                      ________________

10.    Round 4.589 down to the preceding tenth.                ________________

11.    Round 23.54 up to the next whole number (ones).     ________________

12.    Round 3,456 down to the preceding hundred.           ________________

13.    Round 56.78956 up to the next thousandth.              ________________

14.    Round 465.3458 down to the preceding tenth.          _______________

15.   At the store, candy bars are 3 for a $1.00.  If I want to only buy one candy bar,
        I divide $1.00 by 3 since I want to know how much money per one candy bar. 
        When I do this division, I get .33333333333.
        How much is the store going to charge me if I buy one candy bar?

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