3-1  Measuring Length

Measure the given line segement to the nearest inch and centimeter.

1.     __________                                                   Inch = _____    Centimeter = _____

2.    _______________                                          Inch = _____    Centimeter = _____

3.    __                                                                    Inch = _____    Centimeter = _____

4.    ____________________________                Inch = _____    Centimeter = _____

5.    ________________________                        Inch = _____    Centimeter = _____

6.    ________                                                        Inch = _____    Centimeter = _____

Choose >, <, or =.

7.    1 inch _____ 1 centimeter

8.    1 meter _____ 1 yard

9.    1 mile _____ 1 kilometer

10.    1 foot _____ 10 centimeters

11.    1/4 inch _____ 1 mm

12.    1 centimeter _____ 1 millimeter

13.    Is the meteric system of measurement or the Customary system of measurement
         a better system of measurement?  Why?


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