4-7    Formulas

1.    The formula for the area of a right triangle is A = ½ bh, where A stands for the area, b for the
       length of the base, and h for the height.  What is the area of a right triangle that has a base of
       10 centimeters and a height of 5 centimeters?


2.    The formula for the area of a trapezoid is A = ½ h (b1 + b2), where A stands for the area, h stands
       for the height between the two bases, and b1 and b2 stand for the lengths of the two parallel bases.
       What is the area of a trapezoid if the  two bases are 5 cm and 6 cm, while the height between
       them is 10 cm.?

3.    The surface area of a cube is determined by the formula S = 6e2 where S is the surface area and e is
       the length of the edge of the cube.  What is the surface area of a cube that is 10 cm on each edge?


4.    In a right triangle the two sides that form the right angle are called the legs of the triangle.  The side
       that is opposite the right angle is called the hypotenuse.   If  a and b stand for the lengths of the legs
       of the right triangle and c stand for the hypotenuse of the right triangle, the Pythagorean Thereom
       states that a² + b² = c².  What is the length of the hypotenuse of a right triangle if the two legs have
       measurements of 6 cm and 8 cm?


5.    The medicine dosage for children is given by a formula called Young's Rule which is C = a/(a + 12)  × d
       where C is the child's dosage, a is the age of the child, and d is the dosage recommended for the adult.
       If my medicine says I need 20 milligrams of medicine, how much should I give my 4 year old daughter?


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