5-7    The Commutative and Associative Properties


1.    -6 + 4.8 + 6 = ______

2.    -2/3 + 4/5 + 1/5 + 2/3 = ______

3.    -4.2 + a + 4.2 = ______

4.    -8.112 + 6.4 + 1.6 + 8.112 = ______

5.    -6.1 + 4.2 + -6.1 + 6.1 + 6.1 = ______

6.    5 + 11.23 + 95 = _______

7.    6 ¼ + 4½ + -6¼ = _______

8.    25 × 13  × 4 = _______

9.    2  × 1.4  × 50 = _______

Tell if the given property is the Associative Property or Commutative Property.

10.    1 + (3 + 6) = (1 + 3) + 6                            _______________________________________

11.    1 + 5 = 5 + 1                                              _______________________________________

12.    7 + 0 = 0+ 7                                               _______________________________________

13.    6 + (¼ + 5) = (6 + ¼) + 5                           _______________________________________

14.    1 + (3 + 5) = 1 + (5 + 3)                            _______________________________________

15.    a + y = y + a                                               _______________________________________

16.    a + (b + c) = (a + b) + c                             _______________________________________

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