9-3  Multiplication of Fractions

Multiply the following fractions always remembering to put them in
lowest terms or as mixed numbers if applicable.

1.    2/5 × 3/4 = ________

2.    6/7 × 14/9 = _________

3.    6 × 1/12 =  ___________

4.    4/7 × 21/32 = __________

5.    9 × 2/3 = __________

6.    4/9 × 1/2 =  __________

7.    5/a × a/10 = _________

8.    6 × a/9 =  __________

9.    a × a/5 =  __________

10.    2 1/2 × 3 1/5 =  ________

Give the reciprocal.

11.    2/5      ________                            12.    6        ________                            13.    a/     ________

14.    7 1/2     _______                            15.    1.3     ________                            16.    y         ________

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