9-8   Size Changes - Contractions

1.    On half of all review quizzes, students forget that René Descartes is given credit with coming up
       with the idea of a Cartesian Plane.  If I grade 84 quizzes, how many would forget René
       Descartes name?

2.    If you get excellent service at a restaurant, you should leave a tip that is 20% of your total bill.
       If you get good service, you should leave a tip that is 15% of your total bill.
       If you get fair to poor service, you should leave a tip that is 10% of your total bill.
       If the total bill for my dinner was $35.00, how much should I leave for a tip if I had

       a.)  excellent service?   _____________

       b.)  good service?  _____________

       c.)  fair to poor service?  ____________

3.    What is the image of (8,6) under a contraction of ½?  ____________

4.    What is the image (16,28) under a contraction of ¾?  ____________

5.    If A = (60,90), what is the image of A under a contraction of magnitude

        a.)  1/2     ______________

        b.)  1/3   ______________

        c.)  1/5   ______________

        d.)  1/10  _____________

        e.)  1/30  _____________

6.    What point do the points approach as the magnitude gets smaller and smaller?   __________________

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