Chapter 10 Practice Test

Consider the picture below.  All measurements are in centimeters.
Find the area of the following triangles and trapezoids.

1.    Triangle AHF = ________

2.    Trapezoid ACNB = ________

3.    Triangle JBE = _______

4.    Trapezoid FCNG = _______

5.    Trapezoid HFEJ = ________

6.    Trapezoid EGND = _______

7.    Triangle NDB = ________

8.    Trapezoid AFEJ = ________


Simplify in problems 9-17.

9.    n + 4y + 3y + 5n + y = _______

10.    3n2 + 4n + 5n2 + 8n = _______

11.    y3 + 6y + 2y2 + 8y + 2y2 + 3y3 = _____

12.    8j - 3n + 3 + 2j - 5n - 10 + j = _____

13.    2 (4n + 5) = ______

14.    6 (5n + 3) + 2 (-4n - 5) = ___________

15.    3n2 (4n2 + 2n + 5 ) = __________

16.    5n3 ( 4n2 + 6n4) = __________

17.    3n ( 4n2 + 5n4) +  5 (2n3 + 10n5) = ____________

18.    What is the surface area of a box that is 4cm long, 5 cm tall, and
         10 cm wide?

19.    What is the volume of the box in question 18?  _______

20.    Twelve percent of what number is 2.4? _______

21.    56% of the middle school is boys.  If there are 140 boys,
         how many students are in the middle school?

22.    I make 85% of my foul shoots.  If I made 230 foul shots last
         season, how many shots did I take?

Solve the following equations for the n.  Show your work!

23.    -2n + 5 = 25                                    24.    2/3 n = 24

25.    -3/5 n = -15/9                                    26.    4/5 n - 5 = -25

27.   What is the surface area of a cube that is 5 cm on each edge?  _____

28.    If the area of a triangle is 38cm2 and the base is 20 cm,
         what is the height of the triangle?

29.    The area of a trapezoid is 49 cm2.  If the height is 7 cm and one of
         the bases is 2 cm, what is the other base's measurement?

30.    Use the distributive property to show that 4 x $1.98 = $7.92.

31.    Use the distributive property to restate the formula 1/2h (b1 + b2).