Chapter 8 Practice Test
Plot the following points on the graph.

1.   A = (1, 1)

2.   B = (4, 5)

3.   C = (-2, 4)

4.   D = (-6, -4)

5.   E = (2, -4)

6.    What is the slope from point D to point C on the graph where you plotted the points?  _______

7.    What is the slope from point E to point A on the graph where you plotted the points?  _______

8.    What is the slope from (2, 4) to (6, 40)?  ______

9.    What is the slope from (2, 8) to (4, 8)?  ______

10.    What is the slope from (5, 6) to 5, 9)?  ______

11.    In which quadrant is the x-coordinte negative and the y-coordinate positve?  ___________

12.    Name a point besides the origin that is not in any quadrant? __________

When asked how many hours a week students study, the following answers were given:

                    3        5        2        2        1        8        7        9        2

13.     Calculate the following:    Median = ________    Range = ________

                                                 Mean = _________    Mode = ________

14.    Give three equations that must go through the point (3, 0)        ________________



15.    Is the point (2, 5) on the line 3x - 2y = -3?   Why or Why not?

Graph the following equations on the graphs below.  Remember to use a t-chart.
16.     2x + 3y = 12

17.      4x - 2y = 4

18.     y = x/2 + 3

19.      y = 3x - 7

20.   Graph triangle ABC on the graph to the right:

          A = (3, 3)

          B = (3, 6)

          C = (5, 4)

Graph the new triangle A'B'C' after adding -6 to each x-coordinate and adding 2 to each y-coordinate.

21.     Graph triangle CWH on the graph to the right.

        C = (-6, -4)

        W = (-2, -5)

        H = (-4, 3)

If the x-axis is a reflection line, give the points for C', W', H', and plot the new points?

C' = ______         W' = _____          H' = _______

22.     Graph triangle CWH on the graph to the right.

        C = (2, -4)

        W = (-2, -5)

        H = (-3, 6)

If the y-axis is a reflection line, give the points for C', W', H', and plot the new points?

C' = ______         W' = _____          H' = _______

23.    If the distance from A to the reflection line is 2.5 cm, what is AA'?  ________

24.    What equation would you type into your calculator under Y1 = if you were given
          the equation        7x - 5 -10 + y = 4x + 2

        Y1 = ________________

25.    Which of the following letters have a vertical line of symmetry?  Circle your answers.

            A            C            W            R            T            Y

26.    Which of the following letters have a horizontal line of symmetry?  Circle your answers.

            C            Y            X            T            L            N            Z

27.    How many lines of symmetry does a rectangle have?  _______

28.    How many lines of symmetry does an equilateral triangle have?   _________

29.     Looking back at your graphs in problems 16-19, calculate the slope of each graphed line.

        Slope of line for #16     2x + 3y = 12       ______

        Slope of line for #17     4x - 2y = 4         ______

        Slope of line for #18     y = x/2 + 3          ______

        Slope of line for #19     y = 3x - 7           ______