Chapter 9 Practice Test

Put all answers in the blank to the left of the question.

______________    1.    If I have a 1/4 chance of beating Mr. Knight in basketball
                                       and a 8/9 chance of beating Mr. Bachrach, what is the
                                       probability I could beat both?

______________    2.    If I am 98% accurate with my vocabulary words for my test,
                                       what is the probability I will make a 100 on my quiz that has
                                       10 words on it?

______________    3.    What is the probability I could roll a single di three times and
                                       have it land on six all three times in a row?

______________    4.    How many verticies does a rectangular solid have?

______________    5.    If I flip a fair coin three times, what is the probability it will land
                                       on heads three times in a row?

______________    6.    What is the reciprocal of 8?

______________    7.    If I take a mulitple choice test with options A, B, C, D, and E,
                                       what is the probability I could guess at all 5 questions and get
                                       them all correct?

______________    8.    What is the reciprocal of 2.3?

______________    9.    15/17 × 17/20 =

______________    10.    12/18 × 9/15 =

______________    11.    -6 × 1 × -2 × -1 =

______________    12.    (-1)10 =

______________    13.    a/5 × 15/a =

______________    14.    8 × 3/16 =

______________    15.    -4/5 × 2/3 =

______________    16.    2/7 × 5/8 × -14/15 =

______________    17.    The weather man said that there is a 70% chance of rain each day for the
                                         next week.  If each day is independent from the day before, what is the
                                         probability that it will not rain for the next four days?

                                18.    In a bag there are 10 red marbles, 7 blue marbles, and 5 yellow marbles.

______________    a.)    What is the probability I can reach in the bag and pull out a red marble
                                         three times in a row?

______________    b.)    What is the probability I can reach in the bag and pull out a red marble first,
                                         a blue marble second, and a yellow marble third - exactly in that order?

______________    c.)    What is the probability I can reach in the bag and not pull out a blue marble
                                         five times in a row?

______________    19.    What is the area of a right triangle that has a base of 10 cm and a height
                                          of 5 cm?

______________    20.    If a figure has a size change of magnitude -3, where will A' be if A = (-2,5)?

______________    21.    If C = (-8, 10), where will C' be if it undergoes a size change of -1/2?

                                22.    Tell whether the figure contracts, expands, rotates 180°, etc. if it undergoes
                                         a size change of magnitude:

______________    a.)    -5

______________    b.)    2/3

______________    c.)    -1

______________    d.)    5/2

______________    e.)    80%

______________    f.)    3

______________    g.)    -.24

______________    h.)    0