Fact vs. Opinion Worksheet 3

Read each sentence.  Write F for fact or O for opinion in the blank.


________ 1.    The letter C is funny looking.


________ 2.    China is a country.


________ 3.    Math class is 5 minutes longer than English class.


________ 4.    Squares are prettier than circles.


________ 5.    George Washington was the first President of the United States.


________ 6.    Mr. Groover grew up in Alaska.


________ 7.    Tom has a dog named Rex.


________ 8.    Quarters are larger than dimes.


________ 9.    Coke is better tasting than Pepsi.


________ 10.  A meter is longer than a yard.


________ 11.  Alex is handsome.


________ 12.  Tom has a cousin named Amella.


________ 13.  The number 8 is greater than the number 5.


________ 14.  I have 8 dogs.


________ 15.  Superman is a better comic book than Batman.