Review Quiz Practice Chapters 1-9 A

_____________    1.    Give me a number that does not have a reciprocal.

_____________    2.    Rounded to the nearest ten-thousand, I have 60,000 baseball cards.
                                    What is the largest possible amount I could really have?

_____________    3.    Which is largest?  -.00023    -.02002    -.00323    -.0033202

_____________    4.    What is the slope of a horizontal line?

_____________    5.    In simpliest terms, what is 32/40?

_____________    6.    As a percent, what is 13/20?

_____________    7.    Solve for n:    4n - 6 - 6n - 10 = n + n + n -36

_____________    8.    400,000 cm = ________ kilometers

_____________    9.    3/8 × 16/15 =

_____________    10.    If I make 3 out of every 4 shoots in basketball, what is the probability
                                       I will miss 2 shoots in a row?

_____________    11.    Which is smallest? 2/3        2/5       12/20       31/50       1/2

_____________    12.    (-1)250 =

_____________    13.    As a decimal, what is ¾ %?

_____________    14.    In scientific notation, what is 50%?

_____________    15.    What is the reciprocal of 4.1?

_____________    16.    What is the supplementary angle to a 70 degree angle?

_____________    17.    Solve for n:      -9 - n = -20

_____________    18.    1 ton = ___________ pounds

_____________    19.    1.5 % of 400 = ____________

_____________    20.    20% of 80 = ___________