Review Quiz Practice 1 - 9 B

______________    1.    1 mile = ________ feet

______________    2.    1.2% of 300 = ________

______________    3.    What fraction was 456 multiplied by to get .000456?

______________    4.    a/5 + 3/n = ________

______________    5.    4/5 · -15/16 = ______

______________    6.    In scientific notation, what is .00323?

______________    7.    Translate "the sum of a number and four divided by the sum
                                       of six and the number."

______________    8.    -4.3 - (-20) = ________

______________    9.    Rounded to the nearest integer, what is -20.34?

______________    10.    If I have a 30% chance of eating steak every night, what is the
                                         probability I have steak for the next two nights in a row?

______________    11.    If A = (3, 4), B = (7,9), and A' = (5, 3), what is B'?

______________    12.    If a suit is $200 and tax is 4.5%, how much do you pay?

______________    13.    Solve for n:       8n + 3 - 2n = 2n + 10 + 2n + 11

______________    14.    As a decimal, what is ¾%?

______________    15.    How many degrees are in a hexagon?

______________    16.    (-1)123 = ______

______________    17.    If a = 2 and b = 10, what is ab2?

______________    18.    [(100 - 3 x (2 + 3)2 )- 2 + 4 x 5)]2 = ________

______________    19.    Solve for n:        -4 - n = -22