Review Quiz Practice Chapters 1-9 C


________________ 1.     What is the reciprocal of .7?

________________ 2.     4/9 × 21/12 = _____

________________ 3.      -.038  +  5.1  = _____

________________ 4.    What is the slope of the line that goes through the points (0, 5) and (3, 14)?

________________ 5.    3-2 = _____

________________ 6.    In scientific notation, what is 46.7 x 10-3?

________________ 7.    If a = 2 and b = 10, what is ab2?

________________ 8.   (4 + 2) (5 - 3 × 2) + (4 - 6) = _____

________________ 9.   What is the mean of the following set of data?   2, 2, 8, 4

________________ 10.   How many cubic centimeters are in a cube that is 2 cm on each edge?

________________ 11.    50,000 mm = _________ meters

________________ 12.   Solve for n:     -2n + -20 + -3n = 5n - 40 - 10

________________ 13.    Rounded up to the next tens, what is 234.57?

________________ 14.    Translate "a number less two."

________________ 15.   If A = (1, 2), B = (2, 10), and A' = (6, 3), what is B'?

________________ 16.   (-1)103 = ____

________________ 17.   Rounded to the nearest thousand, there are 12,000 cats.
                                       What is the largest possible number of cats there could be?

________________ 18.   1 inch = ______ centimeters

________________ 19.   -3.45 + (-3.02) = _____

________________ 20.   How many degrees are in an octagon?