Chapter 1

Decimals for whole numbers

Ex:       What is decimal for “two million, two”?            

Answer: 2,000,002


Decimals for numbers between whole numbers

Ex:       Which is larger 3.1 or 3.12?     

Answer:   3.12


Estimating by rounding up or rounding down

Ex:       Round 4.356 up and down to tenths spot.

Answer:   Up it is 4.4           Down it is 4.3


Estimating by rounding to the nearest

Ex:       Round 4.356 to the nearest tenth.

Answer:    4.4


Decimals for simple fractions

Know decimals for fractions that have a denominator of 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 20, and 50.

Ex:       What is decimal for 11/20?

Answer:   .55


Decimals for mixed numbers

Ex:       What is the decimal for 3 1/4 ?

Answer:   3.25


Negative numbers

Ex:       Where is -3.25 is located on the number line below?





Comparing numbers

Ex:       What is larger -3.4 or -3.6?

Answer:            -3.4


Equal Fractions

Ex:       Simplify 12/40?

Answer:            Divide both numerator and denominator by 4 and get 3/10.







Chapter 2


Multiplying by 10, 100, ...

Ex:       45.6 x 100 =

Answer:   4560 since decimal moves two times to the right.



Ex:       Calculate 34

Answer:   34 = 3 · 3 · 3 · 3 = 81


Scientific notation for large numbers

Ex:       What is 45,000 in scientific notation?

Answer:            4. 5 x 104


Multiplying by 1/10, 1/100, ...

Ex:       What is 64.5 x 1/100

Answer:    .645 since the decimal point moves twice to the left.


Percent of a quantity

Ex:       What is 15% of 200?

Answer:   30


From decimals to fractions and percents

Ex:       What is the fraction and decimal for 12%?

Answer: Decimal is .12 and fraction is 12/100 = 3/25.


Circle graphs

Ex:       If 450 students took the test how many made a B?

Answer: 81    ( .18 x 450)



More powers of Ten

Ex:       56.47 x 104 =

Answer:   564,700


Scientific notation for small numbers

Ex:       What is .0045 written in scientific notation?

Answer:   4.5 x 10-3


Chapter 3


Measuring length

Ex:       Know how to use a ruler to measure in inches and centimeters.


Converting lengths AND Weight and Capacity in the customary system of measurement

Ex:       Know the conversions given below:

1 mile = 5280 feet

1 inch = 2.54 cm

1 km ».62 miles

1 meter »39.37 inches

1 pound = 16 ounces

1 kilogram » 2.2 pounds



The Metric system of measurement

Ex:       4km =              meters

Answer:   4000 (remember your chart: km  hm  dkm   m   dm   cm   mm)



Measuring Angles

Ex:       Use your protractor to measure the given angle.

Answer:  ÐABC is 45 degrees.            




Kinds of Angles

Ex:       What is an obtuse angle?

Answer:   An angle that is between 90 and 180 degrees.


Measuring Area

Ex:       What is the area of a rectangle with sides of 9 cm and 5 cm?

Answer:   45 cm2


Measuring Volume

Ex:       What is the volume of a cube that is 3 cm on each side?

Answer:   27cm3

Chapter 4


Order of operations

Ex:       5 + 3 · 22 - (4 + 1)

Answer:   12



Describing Patterns with variables

Ex:       From the three given instances what is the general pattern?

4 x 1 = 4

5 x 1 = 5

8 x 1 = 8

Answer:   a · 1 = a



Translating words to Algebraic expressions

Ex:       Translate the expression “ the sum of a number and two divided by the product of the number and three”




Evaluating Algebraic Expressions

Ex:       Evaluate 5n2 when n = 2

Answer:   20     since in 5 · 22 you do powers first



Parentheses or Brackets

Ex:       Evaluate (3 + 2) (20 – (3 + 10)

Answer:   35     since you do inner most parentheses first




Ex:       If I buy n tickets and y are sold what is my probability of winning?





Ex:       Graph -2< n £4 on a number line










Chapter 5


Zero and Opposites

Ex:       -(-(-3)) =

Answer:   -3


Rules for adding positive and negative numbers

Ex:       -5 + 3 =

Answer:   -2


Combining turns

Ex:       How many degrees does the minute hand of a clock move in 1 minutes?

Answer:   6 degrees since 360/60 is 6.


Adding positive and negative fractions

Ex:       2/5 + 1/3 =

Answer:   11/15     (Remember to get a common denominator when adding)     



Adding probabilities

Ex:       If events A and B are mutually exclusive and P(A) = 30% and P(B) = 40%, what is

P(A or B)?

Answer:   70%


Commutative and Associative properties

Ex:       Which is commutative and which is associative of the following:

4 + 3 = 3+ 4                            (1+ 2) + 3 = 1 + (2 + 3)

Answer:           Commutative                                         Associative




Ex:       What is the name of the polygon that has 8 sides?

Answer:   Octagon



Adding lengths

Ex:       If points A, B, C, and D are points in a straight line, what is AB if

AD = 10 cm

BC = 5 cm

CD = 2 cm

Answer:   3 cm










Chapter 7


Two models for subtraction

Ex:       If points A, B, C, and D are points in a straight line, AD – CD =

Answer:   AC



The slide model for subtraction

Ex:       -6 -3 =

Answer:   -9



Solving a - x = b

Ex:       8 – n = 10

Answer:   -2



Counting and probability with overlap

Ex:       Draw a Venn diagram that shows that 20 people play soccer, 10 play tennis, and 4 do both.





Angles and parallel lines

Ex:       Know how to find the missing angles given any picture.  Key words to know are parallel, perpendicular, ray, line, line segment, etc.



Special Quadrilaterals

Ex:       All angles in a quadrilateral add up to how many degrees?

Answer:   360 degrees



The triangle-sum property

Ex:       All angles in a triangle add up to how many degrees?

Answer:   180 degrees




Chapter 8


Coordinate graphs

Ex:       In which quadrant are the x and y values all negative?

Answer:   Third   (-,-)



Graphing lines

Ex:       Make a t-chart of three possible solutions to y = 2x + 1 and then graph it.


























Ex:       What happens to the graph of a figure when -3 is added to the x-coordiante and 2 is added to the y-coordiante?

Answer:   The figure moves to the left 3 units and up 2 units.





Ex:       If A’ is the reflection of A and the distance from A to the reflection line is 4 cm, AA’ =

Answer:   8 cm




Reflection symmetry

Ex:       The letter A has what type of line of symmetry?

Answer:     Vertical






Chapter 9



Area model for multiplication

Ex:       What is the area of a right triangle that has a base of 5 cm and a height of 8 cm?

Answer:   20 cm2



Volumes of rectangular solids

Ex:       What is the volume of a cube that is 5 cm on each side?

Answer:   125 cm3



Multiplication of fractions

Ex:       6/7 x 7/9 =

Answer:   2/3



Multiplying probabilities

Ex:       What is the probability that it will rain three days in a row if the probability for rain every day this week is 70%?   Assume that each day is independent from the day before.

Answer:   34.3%       (.7 · .7 · .7)



Multiplication with negative numbers and zero

Ex:       -5 · -2 · -1 =

Answer:   -10



Size changes - Expansions

Ex:       What happens to the sides of ΔA’B’C’ if ΔABC is multiplied by 3?

Answer:   The sides get three times longer.



Size changes - Contractions

Ex:       What happens to the sides of ΔA’B’C’ if ΔABC is multiplied by ½ ?

Answer:   The sides contract to ½ the original size.



Picturing Multiplication with negative numbers

Ex:       What happens to ΔA’B’C’ if ΔABC is multiplied by -3?

Answer:   The sides get three times longer and the figure rotates 180 degrees.