Review Practice Chapters 1-2 C

1.    If a suit is orginally $600 and it is on sale at 20% off, how much does it cost?  __________

2.    What is 456.3 x 10-21written in scientific notation?     _________

3.    As a decimal, what is 1/2 %? _________

4.     If the dog population of savannah rounded to the nearest thousand is 24,000, what are the
        largest and smallest actual populations?

       Smallest = __________                                                Largest = ___________

5.    Pick the largest and smallest number from the following 5 numbers.

        -.8907        -.88888             -.8898             -.892               -.899

       Largest = ___________                                               Smallest = __________

6.    367 x 10-5 = _____________________________

7.    In scientific notation 34.6 million is _____________________

8.    As a decimal 31 1/4% is _____________________

9.    As a fraction in lowest terms, 5% is ________________

10.  In lowest terms 10/12 = _______________

11.  What is theFOR loop to count from 1 to 50 by 2's? __________________

12.   What is .345 as a percent?  _____________