Review Practice Chapters 1-2 A

1.    Using your estimation skills, tell me what answer is correct to the following problem:
       If a suit is orginally $800 and it is on sale at 30% off, how much does it cost?
       A.$680                B.$580                C.$560                D.$460

2.    What is 456.3 x 1021written in scientific notation?     _________

3.   Rounded to the nearest tenth, what is .0678?  __________

4.    If the dog population of savannah rounded to the nearest hundred is 4000,
       what are the largest and smallest actual population?

       smallest = __________                                                Largest = ___________

5.    Pick the largest and smallest number from the following 5 numbers.
        -.02                 -.022             -.2             -.0020            -.0222

       Largest = ___________                                               Smallest = __________

6.    3.45 x 10-4 = _____________________________

7.    In scientific notation 7 million is _____________________

8.    As a decimal 145% is _____________________

9.    As a fraction in lowest terms, 4% is ________________

10.  In lowest terms 140/360 = _______________

11.  Give a simple fraction between 3/8 and 2/5 ______________

12.   What answer would the TI-83 display for 4.3 + 2 if under the mode it was
         set at 0 instead of float?