Review Practice Chapters 1-3 C

____________1. 356.4 x .00001 = _____

____________2. Rounded to the nearest tenth, what is 2/3?

____________3. In scientific notation, 42 =_______

____________4. If the dog population of Savannah rounded to the nearest thousand is 45,000
                           what is the largest actual population?

____________5. As a decimal, 1/2% =________.

____________6. In scientific notation, .0045 x 1020=______.

____________7. 15% of 30=_______.

____________8. In lowest terms, 18/24=________.

____________9. 45,000 x 10-3 =_________.

____________10. As a decimal 233.2% is________.

____________11. What is the smallest number?     -.0056    -.005    -.00564    -.00555

____________12. As a percent, 12/50=________

____________13. How much tax do you pay for a $30 shirt if tax is 5%?

____________14. On a spreadsheet, what command lets you make several cells become one cell?

____________15. How many centimeters are in an inch?

____________16.  5,000,000cm = __________ km

____________17.  How many cubic centimeters are in a cubic meter?

____________18. What weighs more?    2 kilograms    2 pounds    200 grams    2,000 milligrams

____________19.  What is the symbol for perpendicular lines?