Review Quiz Practice Chapters 1-4 E

Put all answers in the blank to the left of the question.

________________ 1. Rounded to the nearest tenth, what is .8499?

________________ 2. Give the decimal for "twenty-three hundred-thousandths."

________________ 3. What is the general pattern:  9 · 4 + 3 · 4 = 12 · 4
                                                                                9 ·6 + 3 · 6 = 12 · 6
                                                                                9 · 2 + 3 · 2 = 12 · 2

________________ 4. As a mixed number, what is 13/5?

________________ 5. In lowest terms, what is 44/80?

________________ 6. What is largest: -.024     -.0456     -.0857     -.03343

________________ 7. In algebraic terms, what is "a number taken away from eight"?

________________ 8. As a decimal, what is 1/4 %?

________________ 9.  As a percent, what is .095?

________________ 10. Give a simple fraction that is between 12/50 and 1/4.

________________ 11. In scientific notation, what is .000028?

________________ 12. At a 15% off sale, how much would a $80 tie cost?

________________ 13. 40,000 mm = _______ meters

________________ 14. Rounded to the nearest thousandth, what is 5.45843?

________________ 15. What is 3% of 300?

________________ 16.  40 × ((5 + 22 ­ 32) + 2)2 = ________

________________ 17.  In scientific notation, what is 50%?

________________ 18.  1 mile = _________ feet