Review Quiz Practice for Chapters 1-5 B

   Put your answer in the blank to the left of the question.

   __________ 1.   -(-5 - 7) = ______

    __________ 2.   -4.5 + -4.6 =  ________

    __________ 3.    2/n + 2/3 = _______

    __________ 4.   As a decimal, what is 4 1/4%?

    __________ 5.   5% of 30  = _____

    __________ 6.   Rounded down to the preceding thousandth, what is 4.567324?

    __________ 7.   Solve for n:         10n - 3 - 4 - 2n = 3n + 2n -10 - 6

    __________ 8.   How much will a $60 shirt cost if it is 15% off?

    __________ 9.   How many cubic millimeters are in a cubic centimeter?

    __________ 10.  As a percent, what is 7/20?

    __________ 11.  As a fraction in lowest terms, 12% =_______

    __________ 12.   In algebraic form, what is the "six less than a number"?

    __________ 13.  What is largest?     -45.23    -44.898    -45.545    -44.5674

    __________ 14.  What property states that a + (b + c) = (a + b) + c

    __________ 15.  (35 - 2 x (32 - 5)2)2 =  _________

    __________ 16.  If a = 2, b = 5, and c = 4, what is abc - bc?

    __________ 17.  What is longer?    centimeter    decimeter    decameter    hectometer

    __________ 18.  4.2% of 200 = ______

    __________ 19.  What is the absolute value of 9?

    __________ 20.  In scientific notation, what is 84.5?