Review Practice Chapters 1-5 C

Put your answers in the blank to the left of the question.

________________    1.  45 million x 10-4 = _________

________________    2.  If a shirt is originally $32, but is 10% off, how much do you pay?

________________    3.  Rounded to the nearest tenth, what is 14/50?

________________    4.  -6.75 + 8.93 = _____

________________    5.  What is smallest?      -.3443    -.3349    -.3356    -1/3

________________    6.  Rounded down to the preceding tenth, what is 678.422?

________________    7.  As a percent what is 1/5?

________________    8.  In scientific notation, what is 65,002,000,000,000?

________________    9.  5 x 1/1000 = __________

________________    10.  Simplify 32/50

________________    11.  Solve for n:        -3n + 10 = 2n + 3

________________    12.  What is largest?  1/3        1/4      14/20       34/50

________________    13.  If a circle is divided into 6 equal sections, what is the degree opening of each section?

________________    14.  As a decimal, what is "six thousand fifty-one millionths"?

________________    15.  7.5 million x 10-5 = _______________

________________    16.  Rounded to the nearest thousand, I have 34,000 baseball ccards.
                                           What is the largest number of actual cards I could have?

________________    17.  2% of 300 = __________

________________    18.  How many feet are in a mile?